Daisy Hill Farm is an organic plant nursery. We grow everything from seed/cutting right here at our farm in Acton, MA. We are a hyper-local small business and we do not ship our amazing plants. Pick up only. Acton, MA

Plant Pick Up Info

We are so excited that you are supporting Daisy Hill Farm- THANK YOU!!

We are located at 64 Wood Lane, Acton MA.  Our farm is not visible from the street, but there is a sign on the mailbox and on the street. In fact, when you come down the driveway, you will not see any growing space, but what, in fact, is our home.  No worries- you have come to the right place! 

We live at the end of a dead end residential street, so our neighbors have asked that you remember to drive slowly and please park away from driveways and mailboxes if you park in the street- thank you!  

If you park in the driveway, you are welcome to use the cobblestone portion of the driveway to turn around. 

You are welcome to grab your order and go, no need to check in with anyone.  Your order will be located in the garage or on a table in front of the shed (most likely garage) in a box or tray with your name and order number on it.  If your order is large enough to require more than one box, it will also have the descriptor "1 of 1", "2 of 2" etc.  

If you have questions about your order or have missing items, please let us know via text or call at 5 08 - 740 -86 95.

We ask that if you would like to see our growing space in the back to make an appointment with Kate or visit the farm during "open" hours- which includes classes!

And finally, you are more than welcome to return the pots at a later date for reuse at the farm.  We also happily except any boxes you may have to box up future orders.  You may place them in the garage or in front of the shed.