Daisy Hill Farm is an organic plant nursery. We grow everything from seed/cutting right here at our farm in Acton, MA. We are a hyper-local small business and we do not ship our amazing plants. Pick up only. Acton, MA

Our Favorite Seed Companies


Daisy Hill Farm Seed Company Recs

High Mowing Organic Seeds

Located in Vermont.  All organic seed,  many heirlooms, Vermont.  Great company. Daisy Hill Farm is a reseller.  www.highmowingseeds.com 

Johnny’s Selected Seeds

Located in Maine. Wide Selection of seeds, equipment and lots of growing information.  Check out their “Grower’s Library” with loads of information about growing.  Conventional and organic seed available.  www.johnnyseeds.com 

Fedco Seeds

Located in Maine. Amazing bare bones seed company (no fancy pictures on seed envelopes), many winter-hardy and heirloom varieties available.  Tons of information about each variety.  Conventional and organic seeds available.  www.fedcoseeds.com

Hudson Valley Seed Co. 

Located in New York. Lots of organic options, open-pollinated and a big variety of seeds.  They also sell some really beautifully designed seed packages. hudsonvalleyseed.com

Seeds of India

Our source for seeds from India. Located in New Jersey. www.seedsofindia.com

Seed Saver’s Exchange

Important seed bank for heirlooms, located in Iowa. www.seedsavers.org 

Wild Seed Project

Located in Maine, in Maine- great selection of native seeds. www.wildseedproject

Prairie Moon Nursery

Seeds and plants with lots of information about each variety.- native to North America -https://www.prairiemoon.com/