Daisy Hill Farm Seed Company Recs |
High Mowing Organic Seeds |
Located in Vermont. All organic seed, many heirlooms, Vermont. Great company. Daisy Hill Farm is a reseller. www.highmowingseeds.com |
Johnny’s Selected Seeds |
Located in Maine. Wide Selection of seeds, equipment and lots of growing information. Check out their “Grower’s Library” with loads of information about growing. Conventional and organic seed available. www.johnnyseeds.com |
Fedco Seeds |
Located in Maine. Amazing bare bones seed company (no fancy pictures on seed envelopes), many winter-hardy and heirloom varieties available. Tons of information about each variety. Conventional and organic seeds available. www.fedcoseeds.com |
Hudson Valley Seed Co. |
Located in New York. Lots of organic options, open-pollinated and a big variety of seeds. They also sell some really beautifully designed seed packages. hudsonvalleyseed.com |
Seeds of India |
Our source for seeds from India. Located in New Jersey. www.seedsofindia.com |
Seed Saver’s Exchange |
Important seed bank for heirlooms, located in Iowa. www.seedsavers.org |
Wild Seed Project |
Located in Maine, in Maine- great selection of native seeds. www.wildseedproject |
Prairie Moon Nursery |
Seeds and plants with lots of information about each variety.- native to North America -https://www.prairiemoon.com/ |