Daisy Hill Farm is an organic plant nursery. We grow everything from seed/cutting right here at our farm in Acton, MA. We are a hyper-local small business and we do not ship our amazing plants. Pick up only. Acton, MA

Music Hardneck Garlic

Music is a porcelain hardneck type which means it produces large cloves big flavor.  It is also is super cold hardy for growing in the north.  The large cloves are easy to peel and store really well. 

We really do love music garlic!  This year, all of our bulbs for sale are at least 2" in diameter and are sold by weight.  1/4 of music garlic is about 2 bulbs, averaging about 5 cloves each. 

Garlic is planted in the late fall, overwintered, and then harvested the following July.  

For more information about our garlic and how to plant and harvest it click HERE.
